Click Scientific name to show the pictures.
I would like to say thank you for Anansi,Mr.Kitahara, Mr. Kohara, Mr. Harada,and Mr. Shoda.
No. | Scientific name | Common name | Photo by |
No.1 | ??? | Red tree spider | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.2 | Acanthoscurria wallacei | Bluish Birdeater | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.3 | Aphonopelma chalcodes | Desert blond | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.4 | Aphonopelma chalcodes | Desert blond | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.5 | Aphonopelma hentzi | Texas blond | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.6 | Aphonopelma seemanni | Costa Rican Zebra | Mr. M. Harada |
No.7 | Avicularia avicularia | Pinktoe | Mr. M. Harada |
No.10 | Avicularia laeta | Puertorican pinktoe | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.11 | Avicularia magudalena | Yellow banded pinktoe | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.12 | Avicularia metallica | Whitetoe | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.13 | Avicularia uriticans | Peruvian pinktoe | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.15 | Avicularia versicolor | Antilles tree | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.16 | Brachypelma albopilosum | Curly Hair | Mr. M. Harada |
No.17 | Brachypelma albopilosum | Curly Hair | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.18 | Brachypelma auratum | Mexican Flameknee | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.19 | Brachypelma boehmei | Mexican Flameknee | Mr. M. Harada |
No.20 | Brachypelma boehmei | Mexican fireleg | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.21 | Brachypelma emilia | Mexican Redleg | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.22 | Brachypelma emilia | Mexican Redleg | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.23 | Brachypelma emilia | Mexican Redleg | Mr. M. Harada |
No.24 | Brachypelma klaasi | Mexican pink | Mr. M. Harada |
No.25 | Brachypelma pulchra | Rose gray | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.26 | Brachypelma sabulosum | Guatemala redrump | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.27 | Brachypelma smithi | Mexican redknee | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.28 | Brachypelma smithi | Mexican redknee | Mr. M. Harada |
No.29 | Brachypelma vagans | Mexican redrump | Mr. M. Harada |
No.30 | Brachypelma vagans | Mexican redrump | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.31 | Ceratogyrus cornutum | Straight horned | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.32 | Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens | Green bottle blue | Mr. M. Harada |
No.33 | Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens | Green bottle blue | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.34 | Citharischius crawshayi | King baboon | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.35 | Citharischius crawshayi | King baboon | Mr. M. Harada |
No.36 | Cyripagopus thorelli | Earth tiger | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.37 | Eucratoscelus pacbypus | Stout leg baboon | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.38 | Haplopelma lividus | Cobalt blue | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.39 | Haplopelma minax | Thailand black | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.40 | Hysterocates ederi | Guinea Goliath baboon | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.41 | Iridoperma zarodes | Brazilian purple | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.42 | Lasiodora klugi | ? | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.43 | Lasiodora parahybana | Brazilian salmon pink | Mr. M. Harada |
No45TD> | Megaphobema mesomelas | Costa Rican Redleg | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.46 | Megaphobema robustum | Colombia Giant | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.48 | Megaphobema robustum | Colombia giant | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.49 | Megaphobema velvetosoma | Ecuadorian brownvelvet | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.50 | Pamphobeteus antinous | Bolivian blueleg | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.52 | Pamphobeteus fortis | Colombia blown | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.53 | Pamphobeteus insignis | Colombian Purplebloom | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.54 | Pamphobeteus ssp | Black & Red birdeater | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.56 | Phomictopus cubensis | Cuban Metalic brown | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.57 | Phormictopus altrichromatus | Red Island birdeater | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.58 | Phormictopus cancerides | Haitian brown | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.59 | Phrixotrichus pulchra | Brazilian black | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.60 | Phrixotrichus spatulata | Chilean common | Mr. M. Harada |
No.61 | Phrixotrichus spatulata | Chilean common | Mr. A. Kohara |
No.63 | Poecilotheria fasciata | Sri Lankan ornamental | Mr. M. Harada |
No.64 | Poecilotheria formosa | Salem ornamental | Mr. M. Harada |
No.65 | Poecilotheria ornata | Fringed ornamental | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.66 | Poecilotheria regalis | Indian ornamental | Mr. M. Harada |
No.67 | Poecilotheria regalis | Indian ornamental | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.68 | Poecilotheria regalis | Indian Ornamental | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.69 | Poecilotheria rufilata | Redslate Ornamental | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.70 | Poecilotheria rufilata | Redslate ornamental | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.71 | Poecilotheria subfusca | Ivory Ornamental | Mr. M. Harada |
No.72 | Psalmopoeus cambridge | Trinidad chevron | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.73 | Psalmopoeus irminia | Suntiger | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.74 | Psalmopoeus reduncus | Costa Rican Orangemouth | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.75 | Pterinochilus sp. | Usambara | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.76 | Sericopelma rubronitens | Giant redrump | Mr. M. Shoda |
No.77 | Tapinauchenius gigas | Orange tree spider | Mr. H. Kitahara |
No.78 | Theraphosa blondi | Goliath Birdeater | Mr. A. Kohara |
No.84 | Selenocosmia sp?? | ??? | Anansi |
No.85 | Lasiodorides polycuspulatus | Peruvian Blond | Anansi |
No.86 | Lasiodorides striatus? | Orange Stripekee | Anansi |
No.87 | Eucratoscels pachypus | StoutLeg | Anansi |
No.88 | Cyriopagopus paganus? | Thai Earth Tiger? | Anansi |
No.89 | Haplopelma lividum | Cobalt blue | Anansi |
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