Click Scientific name to show the pictures.


I would like to say thank you for Anansi,Mr.Kitahara, Mr. Kohara, Mr. Harada,and Mr. Shoda.

No. Scientific name Common name Photo by
No.1 ??? Red tree spider Mr. M. Shoda
No.2 Acanthoscurria wallacei Bluish Birdeater Mr. H. Kitahara
No.3 Aphonopelma chalcodes Desert blond Mr. M. Shoda
No.4 Aphonopelma chalcodes Desert blond Mr. H. Kitahara
No.5 Aphonopelma hentzi Texas blond Mr. M. Shoda
No.6 Aphonopelma seemanni Costa Rican Zebra Mr. M. Harada
No.7 Avicularia avicularia Pinktoe Mr. M. Harada
No.10 Avicularia laeta Puertorican pinktoe Mr. H. Kitahara
No.11 Avicularia magudalena Yellow banded pinktoe Mr. M. Shoda
No.12 Avicularia metallica Whitetoe Mr. M. Shoda
No.13 Avicularia uriticans Peruvian pinktoe Mr. M. Shoda
No.15 Avicularia versicolor Antilles tree Mr. M. Shoda
No.16 Brachypelma albopilosum Curly Hair Mr. M. Harada
No.17 Brachypelma albopilosum Curly Hair Mr. M. Shoda
No.18 Brachypelma auratum Mexican Flameknee Mr. M. Shoda
No.19 Brachypelma boehmei Mexican Flameknee Mr. M. Harada
No.20 Brachypelma boehmei Mexican fireleg Mr. M. Shoda
No.21 Brachypelma emilia Mexican Redleg Mr. M. Shoda
No.22 Brachypelma emilia Mexican Redleg Mr. H. Kitahara
No.23 Brachypelma emilia Mexican Redleg Mr. M. Harada
No.24 Brachypelma klaasi Mexican pink Mr. M. Harada
No.25 Brachypelma pulchra Rose gray Mr. M. Shoda
No.26 Brachypelma sabulosum Guatemala redrump Mr. H. Kitahara
No.27 Brachypelma smithi Mexican redknee Mr. M. Shoda
No.28 Brachypelma smithi Mexican redknee Mr. M. Harada
No.29 Brachypelma vagans Mexican redrump Mr. M. Harada
No.30 Brachypelma vagans Mexican redrump Mr. M. Shoda
No.31 Ceratogyrus cornutum Straight horned Mr. H. Kitahara
No.32 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens Green bottle blue Mr. M. Harada
No.33 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens Green bottle blue Mr. M. Shoda
No.34 Citharischius crawshayi King baboon Mr. M. Shoda
No.35 Citharischius crawshayi King baboon Mr. M. Harada
No.36 Cyripagopus thorelli Earth tiger Mr. M. Shoda
No.37 Eucratoscelus pacbypus Stout leg baboon Mr. M. Shoda
No.38 Haplopelma lividus Cobalt blue Mr. M. Shoda
No.39 Haplopelma minax Thailand black Mr. M. Shoda
No.40 Hysterocates ederi Guinea Goliath baboon Mr. M. Shoda
No.41 Iridoperma zarodes Brazilian purple Mr. M. Shoda
No.42 Lasiodora klugi ? Mr. M. Shoda
No.43 Lasiodora parahybana Brazilian salmon pink Mr. M. Harada
No45TD> Megaphobema mesomelas Costa Rican Redleg Mr. M. Shoda
No.46 Megaphobema robustum Colombia Giant Mr. H. Kitahara
No.48 Megaphobema robustum Colombia giant Mr. M. Shoda
No.49 Megaphobema velvetosoma Ecuadorian brownvelvet Mr. M. Shoda
No.50 Pamphobeteus antinous Bolivian blueleg Mr. M. Shoda
No.52 Pamphobeteus fortis Colombia blown Mr. H. Kitahara
No.53 Pamphobeteus insignis Colombian Purplebloom Mr. M. Shoda
No.54 Pamphobeteus ssp Black & Red birdeater Mr. H. Kitahara
No.56 Phomictopus cubensis Cuban Metalic brown Mr. M. Shoda
No.57 Phormictopus altrichromatus Red Island birdeater Mr. H. Kitahara
No.58 Phormictopus cancerides Haitian brown Mr. H. Kitahara
No.59 Phrixotrichus pulchra Brazilian black Mr. M. Shoda
No.60 Phrixotrichus spatulata Chilean common Mr. M. Harada
No.61 Phrixotrichus spatulata Chilean common Mr. A. Kohara
No.63 Poecilotheria fasciata Sri Lankan ornamental Mr. M. Harada
No.64 Poecilotheria formosa Salem ornamental Mr. M. Harada
No.65 Poecilotheria ornata Fringed ornamental Mr. M. Shoda
No.66 Poecilotheria regalis Indian ornamental Mr. M. Harada
No.67 Poecilotheria regalis Indian ornamental Mr. H. Kitahara
No.68 Poecilotheria regalis Indian Ornamental Mr. M. Shoda
No.69 Poecilotheria rufilata Redslate Ornamental Mr. H. Kitahara
No.70 Poecilotheria rufilata Redslate ornamental Mr. M. Shoda
No.71 Poecilotheria subfusca Ivory Ornamental Mr. M. Harada
No.72 Psalmopoeus cambridge Trinidad chevron Mr. M. Shoda
No.73 Psalmopoeus irminia Suntiger Mr. M. Shoda
No.74 Psalmopoeus reduncus Costa Rican Orangemouth Mr. M. Shoda
No.75 Pterinochilus sp. Usambara Mr. M. Shoda
No.76 Sericopelma rubronitens Giant redrump Mr. M. Shoda
No.77 Tapinauchenius gigas Orange tree spider Mr. H. Kitahara
No.78 Theraphosa blondi Goliath Birdeater Mr. A. Kohara
No.84 Selenocosmia sp?? ??? Anansi
No.85 Lasiodorides polycuspulatus Peruvian Blond Anansi
No.86 Lasiodorides striatus? Orange Stripekee Anansi
No.87 Eucratoscels pachypus StoutLeg Anansi
No.88 Cyriopagopus paganus? Thai Earth Tiger? Anansi
No.89 Haplopelma lividum Cobalt blue Anansi

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