My information


Shohei Hashimoto

From Japan

University Student in MT

Tarantulas: 28 species, over 30 tarantulas.

Aphonopelma geniculata, Avicularia avicularia, Avicularia fasiculata, Avicularia minatrix, Avicularia versicolor, Brachypelma smithi, Brachypelma saburosum?, Brachypelma vagans, Ceratogyrus cornuatus, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, Grammostola alticeps, Grammostola gigantea?,Grammostola pulchra, Grammostola rosea, Haplopelma lividum, Haplopelma minax, Lasiodora parahybana, Lasiodora subroms, Megaphobema robustum, Ornithoctonus andersoni, Pamphobeteus ferox, Phoneyusa ssp, Phormictopus nesiotes, Poecilotheria fasciata, Psalmopoeus cambridgei, Pterinochilus sp, Theraphosa blondi...... Tan baboon( I don't know the scientific name of this)


Scorpions: 3-5 species, 10 scorpions.

Yellow fat tail, Common Emperor, some Texas species 1,2


Centipede: 2-3 species, 3 Centipede

North American Giant, Vetonamies red leg, and some specie from Texas


Other Arachnoids:

Sunspider From Texas.


Reptile & Amphibian:

Russian tortuse, Three-toed box tortule, Bearded Dragon, Snow corn snake, Colombian redtail boa, Blue poison arrow frog, Red eye tree frog, horned frog, Chaco horned frog, Leopard Gecko, Bibrons Gecko.