Information about Japanese Tarantula Culture.
1.Sorry, I did not update any of my webpage for long time.
During this summer, I went to back to Japan, and over there, I went to some pet shops, for serching tarantulas. The only comment I can have is "Expensive!!" For example, Sub adult Brazilian Salmon pink costs around $250, 1/4 inch Mexican redknee costs about $100..... I thought that I should quit my hobby after I'll go back to Japan.....(^^;
2.Other than that, I saw some really rare tarantulas from Asia, or Europe Breeding tarantulas. so I felt that Japanese tarantula culture is still glowing.
3. Finally, I contact with JTS, but I felt that is not active group as ATS, or BTS.
4. Some of my Japanese friends started to breed tarantulas, so I hope that we will have many Japan breed tarantulas pretty soon.
Here is JTS's address, but I do not hear good thing about JTS:
Japanese Tarantula Society
245 Shimo Okayama-city Okayama 703 Japan
Tel from US. 011-81-86-278-2720
"The Keeper's net"is the real center of Japanese Tarantula culture.